Friday, June 15, 2012

Blogging inspiration: Proverbs 21:5

Proverbs 21:5

The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenty; but the thoughts of everyone who is hasty only to poverty.
I love that verse. This blog will require me to be diligent. Many websites I have read have said that blogging is a slow process that involves a little luck and a patience. So, I will be patient and diligent in getting this blog running and generating a revenue. I am going to give myself 6 months before I make my first dime because most websites don't rank well in Google until their 6th month. That is because Google is checking your diligence on sticking to your blog before giving you a higher ranking.

This verse however applies to everything in life. If you want to be successful then you will need to pursue your goals with all your drive and don't give up. G-d wants to give you the desires of your heart, but only if it is for the glory of His Kingdom. He won't bless you with billions of dollars if it will cost you your salvation, but the L-rd honors hard work so long as it does not go against the law. You may have struggles along the way, but so did Job so hang in there and you will get through the rough times and you will be blessed for it.

Blogging inspiration

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